
October 11, 2011- Lolo Siderman, the Founder & CEO of Gypsywing Media, discusses the one social media tool all professionals need to be using. 1. Linkedin 2. Social medial that doesn’t require constant interaction 3. Free billboard/website for you as your personal brand 4. Many free add-ons that can really beef up your profile 5.[…..]


October 6, 2011- This week’s video is a must-watch for entrepreneurs experimenting with social media. Avoid these common mistakes made online. 1. Engaging in all arenas 2. Failure to budget time 3. Failure to set goals 4. Focusing on “Brand Awareness” 5. Sprinting: It’s a marathon, slow and steady


Press120 Tweetable Tips on How to Achieve Social Media Success

July 18, 2011- Business2Community has a great blog post today featuring social media tips for your business. Contributors were asked to keep their tips under 140 characters. Read it here, for tips from business owners around the web. Gypsywing’s tip is number 68!


If you have a Facebook company page, this is GREAT news! You now can interact on Facebook without having to post as yourself, you can post as your page. If this doesn’t make sense: 1) you don’t have a facebook page other than your individual profile OR 2) go to your facebook company page NOW[…..]


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